Referente a copiar entradas de Moon in the water

Ruego respeten a los autores de mis traducciones en lo referente a copiar entradas de este blog, aqui el autor de Луна в воде, me envió el siguiente comunicado que ruego sea respetado.
Карина R.L.

esta foto también pertenece a Niall Matthwes

My policy on reblogging and copying my blog posts

I am happy if people like my blog posts. It’s great if people can even learn something from my blog posts. I am especially pleased if they leave a comment on my blog posts. I am glad if people give a link to my blog posts in their own blogs (and let me know).

It is always acceptable to give a link to my blog and to quote a short representative paragraph if you also comment on the blog.

I was happy to give permission for Spanish and German translations of some posts because they obviously reach a readership that might not be able to read my blog in English. I will be happy to consider any requests to translate my blog posts into other languages.

BUT it is NOT acceptable to copy a post of my blog in English. I do NOT give permission for reblogging.

It is NOT acceptable to copy a post from the Spanish translation of my blog.

It is NOT acceptable to copy a post from the German translation of my blog.

It is NOT acceptable to use the photos and illustrations I use in my blogs unless the licence specifically allows it. I do not own the copyright on them. Some of them are used under creative commons licence and some are not. I always ask for specific permission. I also ask for specific permission to use the illustrations and photographs in the Spanish and German translations of my blog posts. That permission does not cover reblogging.

Please respect the copyright wishes of the photographers and artists.

And thank you for respecting my wishes.

Niall Matthews
