Zombie Aikido


People who have nothing to hide usually do not feel the need to say.
Michonne, The Walking Dead

People could say a lot of negative things about the apocalypse, but no argument, air quality in Los Angeles actually had improved.
Peter Clines, Ex-Heroes

Creating a zombie in Haiti is illegal, as mentioned in Article 246 Haitian penal code:
Also be qualified as attempted murder the employment which may be made against any person of substances, without causing death itself, produce a lethargic coma more or less prolonged. If it is after the person has been buried, the act shall be considered murder, no matter the outcome.
Dr Austin, The Zombie Institute for Theoretical Studies, University of Glasgow

Blood is really hot
is like drinking hot chocolate
but with more screaming
Ryan Mecum, Zombie Haiku

I bet you're wondering if I'm real, probably hoping he would not be. Good, here I am. I guess this old world is getting a little smaller toward the end, Eh?
Merle Dixon, The Walking Dead

The Zombie Combat Manual is a book about combat techniques against zombies. I have it and think it's a well written book and gives good advice. I personally would give 5 stars and I suggest you to read. You should also read other books on this subject. You never know.
The Zombie Combat Manual: Guide to the fight against the undead by Roger Mareviewed on goodreads.com

Where is Carl?
Lori Grimes, The Walking Dead

Ghost stories have a long history in Japan. But zombies have not really made a great impact on modern Japanese culture. Hitherto. There have been a few zombie manga and anime. Like Zombie-Loan and Highschool of the Dead. And Tokyo Zombie was a movie starring Tadanobu Asano and Show Aikawa. Tadanobu Asano is a very, very good actor. Was in Zatoichi with Beat Takeshi and he is in the new movie 47 Ronin, with Keanu Reeves.

La estupenda serie de televisión apocalipsis zombi The Walking Dead airs on cable TV in Japan. Not as well known as it should be. Michael Rooker Merle Dixon ago. It turns out that Michael Rooker trains in aikido. In his IMDB entry says he learned aikido with Fumio Toyoda Shihan, a master of aikido and zen.

A book about fighting techniques that you can use against zombies is for more zombie otaku fans. Or martial arts otaku. I wrote earlier about otaku aquí. This article is a great photo.

But, in fact, not difficult. The Japanese martial art safer to use against a zombie would Kyudo – Japanese archery. Por supuesto. A bow and arrow will allow you to maintain a healthy distance between you and fatal zombie bite. The ma ai – the critical distance – of each different martial art. Contra los zombis cuanto más grande es la brecha mejor. That's why he likes his crossbow Daryl. Then, gradually, critical distance becomes smaller and smaller. From the halberd – naginata – to Sojutsu – lance – to jukendo – rifle and bayonet – kendo – sword. Michonne has a katana strapped to his back.

Then finally the martial arts. Karate is probably a safer distance that aikido and aikido have a safer distance that judo. I would not recommend doing judo against a zombie. Within walking distance you can still be bitten grip, in passing, even if you throw cleanly. Although I remember a story about a man successfully launching a bear attacking with tomoe nage – sacrifice judo projection. To the surprise of the bear. However, Aikido techniques are good input to get behind an attacker. Always a good place to be. So I'll stick with aikido. You never know.


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© niall matthews 2013
Traducción: Carina

Fuente: Moon in the water
