
a good sandwich by Shannalee y mira la receta de ese guapo ALT sandwich también

Scultz: Siempre he pensado en ti como un aria.
El Barbero: Yo soy vegetariano.
Charlie Chaplin, el gran dictador

Paseando parloteaba de metafísica con Abramowitz,
un pacifista amarillo ictericia (“es de verdad un bronceado”)
y peso mosca,
muy vegetariano,
usaba zapatos de estraza y prefería los frutos caídos.
Robert Lowell, Memories of West Street and Lepke

“¿No sabes que la carne es asesinato?”
El hippy dippy lloró.
For both it, le golpeé con una pierna de cordero –
And, course,
él murió.
Other Theresa, Poema Vegetariano

Quienes cocinaron animales podridos pulmones, corazón, pata, cola borsht y tortilla soñando con el puro reino vegetal.

Who dived in meat trucks looking for an egg.
Allen Ginsberg, Howl

Let me confess!
A languid love for me does not destroy Lilies!
thin limbs and gaunt cheeks not enchant me!
I do not mind dirty green
By any means.
I do not want everything you see
That's Japanese.

A continuación, a sentimental passion of a plant form should excite
the languid spleen,
An attached on a plate for shy young potato, or a French bean not too French!
Gilbert and Sullivan, Patience

A garden in the beginning looks so promising and then, after all, gradually they grow nothing but veggies, nada, nothing more than vegetables.
Gertrude Stein, Wars I Have Seen

I think I've talked a lot recently about food. Mushrooms. Sushi.

Yo soy vegetariano. I do not eat meat, but as eggs and milk and fish. Apparently that's officially a vegetarian-ovo-lacto-Pesco.

Years ago, when I became a vegetarian I thought it probably would have to accept some values ​​counterweight. Reducing resistance or power or speed, tal vez.

But I never did. There was no problem.

Japanese food is basically vegetarian anyway.


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Other Theresa’s site and poems

Robert Lowell, Memories of West Street and Lepke

Allen Ginsberg, Howl

The Complete Plays of Gilbert and Sullivan by Sir W. S. Gilbert and Arthur Sullivan

Gertrude Stein, Wars I Have Seen

Mi blog en Aikiweb
Mis columnas en Aikiweb

© niall matthews 2012
Traducción: Carina

Fuente: Moon in the water
