Artes marciales en manga y anime

Este mes Niall nos agasaja con un tema que interesa a grandes y chicos, sobre todo al niño que todos llevamos dentro, lo acompaña un hermoso y detallado dibujo.

Judo Project by Freeka used with her kind permission. Please check out her cool art.
pintando con un solo pelo, capturando algo en una economía de gestos magistrales
Paul Hornschemeier, artista y novelist gráfico
Manga son cómics japoneses. Anime son dibujos animados para la televisión – es la abreviatura de animación. La línea de tiempo funciona más o menos así. Las historias dibujadas para los cómics se serializan capítulo por capítulo, en gruesas revistas de manga con muchas otras historias. Cuando una historia se convierte en popular los capítulos se recogen en un libro – or a series of books. And the most popular stories are also lively and broadcast on television as anime series. The most popular anime series have spin-off feature film. The movie series like One Piece, Detective Conan and Doraemon are regularly released every year. A continuación, films often become comic book film – comic books based on movies. A veces, a popular anime to get to become a live-action movie with real actors. Yatterman (2008) and Kaiji (2009) They came from the original manga. For a successful manga franchise this cycle can be very profitable.
Manga anime martial arts have always been popular in Japan. If we include all or sleeves fighting kakutougi, boxing manga were probably the first. Many of these martial arts manga are still popular after many years. Some have a special nostalgic for Japanese. Many of them have as underlying theme the shugyo – hard and austere training, that leads to success. These are some of the most popular.
Ashita no Joe – Tomorrow's Joe – It was launched in 1968. This is a child who becomes a professional boxer. It tells the story from his childhood offender throughout its development up to champion. A live-action movie Ashita no Joe was launched in 2011 so it has been popular for four decades.
Hajime no Ippo – the first step or in the US Fighting Spirit. – It is a similar story of boxing, but much less dark. On the 1989. It is aimed at a young audience, but has very good tension. Explanations of boxing techniques and training methods are very good.
Ore wa Teppei – I'm Teppei – on the 1980. It is a manga about a young man who is very talented in kendo. It is made in a comical way.
Yawara! – Yawara! A modern girl doing judo – on the 1986. There is a mysterious parallel between the sleeve and real life. Ryoko Tamura – Ryoko Tani now – only sixteen when he first competed at the Olympics. She became one of the most successful and popular judokas of history. He won more than five silver Olympic Games, payment, oro, gold and bronze finally. She is now a member of the Japanese Upper House. Her hair was like the main character of the manga so they called Yawara-chan.
Karate Baka Ichidai – a crazy life of Karate – is a manga very, Very loosely based on the life of Mas Oyama, the founder of Kyokushin Karate. It dates back to 1970. As manga uses some unusual technique of incorporating real people in history. Scenes are also occasionally used live action documentary Kyokushin Karate techniques of cuts and bruises. Three live action movies starring Sonny Chiba were also made on the basis of Karate Baka Ichidai. Mas Oyama was introduced to judo by Masahiko Kimura, judo champion who fought Hélio Gracie. Oyama said that was defeated only once in his life. For an old man named Chen, un profesor de tai chi chuan. And apparently he received Menkyo Kaiden Oyama – the highest level of license – en el work jujutsu de Kotaro Yoshida, one of the best students of Sokaku Takeda. These episodes are in
Monster, It is what is called a seinen manga. It is literally sleeve blue year. Check out my last column índigo azul on some background of the blue in Japanese. The seinen manga are aimed at young people from around twenty or thirty years. Monster has an interesting intricate and mysterious plot and characters. It was done in an anime series. It happened in one day and was surprised to suddenly see a sequence of aikido. Uno de los personajes – Nina Fortner – law student at the University of Heidelberg. She also studied aikido there. However, in martial arts Monster – in this case aikido – It is part of character development and not the main theme of the sleeve.
Then one of these sleeves are worth seeing? Most of them are nice, but they are not suitable for adults unless they have a specific interest in the martial art highlights. Monster is the exception. It's a pretty sophisticated thriller. And probably all sounds as if he knew a little too much about comics and Japanese otaku subculture. But that's just because I'm a father in Japan.
And a very surprising thing to me is that the softer and more pleasant aikido I've seen on television was not an action movie or a series of criminal drama. It was in Monster. anime.
wikipedia and other background
surreal interview with Paul Hornschemeier who wrote the heading at the top of the page, including a handsome adlibbed? haiku actually in the structure 5-7-5.
© Niall Matthews 2011
Traducción: Carina

Fuente: Aikiweb
