Musubi Do

Japanese origin, It was created by Master Okawa Metzumo, former student of the school of Ueshiba, who he developed and enhanced systems O'Sensei before the creation of Aikido as it is known today.
With a strong base in the Jiu Jitsu it emphasizes direct action-reaction, making their devastating techniques.
The Musubi Do It is structured in three basic pillars formed by the empty hand techniques, the study of management Jo, Will, Naginata and Katana by Sensei Kata, one kata comprising all the techniques and movements of these weapons and Tai Kokyu or forms of breathing and coordination, also one Kata (performing exceeds both Kata 3 hours and is of great harmonic and technical beauty).-

Direct students stand out as Sensei Okawa: Sensei Polwaise, Sensei Sato, and Sensei Piqueras, holders of the three books that meet development by Musubi Do Okawa.
There are now more than a hundred schools in the world Musubi Do, Sato Sensei being guardian of tradition in America, Sensei Sensei Piqueras in Europe and in East and Australia Polwaise.
Although reserved and highly martial, results in the few competitions and exhibitions participated in this martial art denoting the high technical level required by their schools, making in most cases the first positions.

Gentileza: Luis Miguel Lopez Piqueras
Editado por Red Marcial
