La mente simple

Por Charlotte Joko Beck

Sólo una mente simple puede percibir la vida de una manera distinta. Según el diccionario, la definición de la palabra simple es ”algo que está compuesto de una sola parte”.

La conciencia puede absorber una multiplicidad de cosas, de la misma manera que el ojo puede captar muchos detalles a la vez. Pero la conciencia misma es una sola cosa. Permanece inalterada, sin adiciones ni modificaciones. La conciencia es completamente simple; no tenemos que agregarle ni cambiarle nada. No es pretenciosa ni soberbia; no puede ser distinta. La conciencia no es una cosa que pueda verse afectada por esto o aquello.

Cuando vivimos a partir de la conciencia pura, ni el pasado, ni el presente, nor the future affect us. As awareness has nothing to boast, is humble. It is modest. It is simple. The purpose of practice is to develop and discover a simple mind. Many people complain, por ejemplo, they feel overwhelmed by life.

Feeling overwhelmed is to be in the grip of all objects, los pensamientos, life events, and be emotionally affected by them, so it is impossible to escape a permanent feeling of anger and upset. Unlike the mind of pure consciousness, we feel confused against the multiplicity of external factors. We can not see that all these external things are also part of ourselves. Until we live eighty or ninety percent of life from the simple mind, we can not see that everything exists in us.

Rayitos at sea Carina R.L..

That practice is: to develop that kind of mind. Pero no es fácil; an infinite amount of patience is required, application and determination. Within this simplicity, within this consciousness, We understand the past, el presente y el futuro, and we begin to feel less affected by permanent download of experiences. We can live life with appreciation and some compassion. Sometimes people tell me that after a sesshin life just flows smoothly. Although problems remain, They seem less difficult. Esto se debe a que, for a sesshin, the mind becomes simpler.

Infortunadamente, this simplicity tends to disappear when we become entangled again in what seems like a life too complex. We feel that things are not as we would like and we started to fight, succumbing to our emotions. Cuando esto sucede, our behavior becomes destructive. As we "sat", increases the number of short periods and then -first longer- during which we feel we do not need others oppose, although they cause us problems.

Instead of seeing people as problems, We begin to enjoy its flaws, without wishing to fix. A full life is one in which we can enjoy the world without judgment. For that you need years and years of practice.

Esto no significa, course, we can face all the problems unreacted; however, something has changed and we can move away from a life purely reactive, in which everything that happens stimulates our defense mechanisms. There is no mystery in a simple mind. En ella, consciousness is simply. It is open, transparente. There is nothing complicated in it. However, most often it is difficult to access. But the greater our contact with the simple mind, the greater our perception that everything is in us and, accordingly, we will feel more responsible for all. Once we perceive our connection to all, necessarily act differently. When we let ourselves be carried away by thoughts, we stop doing our work: feel the past and the future, all in this. Even we imagine that is well kept isolated in a room, feeling annoyed. However, the truth is that when we allow this distraction, We suspend our work and this affects all our lives. When we maintain awareness, we recognize it or not, things start to improve.

If we practice long enough, We begin to perceive the truth: we understand that in the "now" the past are, the future and the present. When we can "sit" with a simple mind, without being drawn into our thoughts, a light begins to rise slowly and remained closed the door starts to open. For that to happen, we must work with our anger, our discomfort, our judgments, our self-pity and our notion that the past determines the present. As the door opens, we see that this is absolute and that, en cierto sentido, the universe begins at this moment, in every second. And the healing of life is simple in that second consciousness. Heal is simply always here, with a simple mind.
