La lección del agua

“Si queréis comprender el Aikido estudiad primero el origen y el funcionamiento del Universo, los principios de las fuerzas de su creación, los intercambios de energía, el movimiento de las galaxias. Todos estos elementos forman parte de una Ley Universal, las reacciones nucleares, las corrientes electromagnéticas, la fuerza gravitacional, todos son principios de Aikido, y la base de sus técnicas”.
(M. Ueshiba. Aikido. Nature et Harmonie de M. Saotome).

Al neófito tal vez le resulte difícil de comprender que exista una relación tan directa entre “los principios universales”, y las técnicas de Aikido, cuyo único objetivo parece ser el de proyectar, inmovilizar, or neutralize an aggressor. a few years of constant practice are required to begin to discover for yourself that, each technique actually obeys the principles cited. Observing natural phenomena can “rediscover” the foundations on which every gesture and movement art Aikido rests. Llegados a este punto, I invite the reader aikidoka, to reflect on the behavior of something as well known as WATER, and applications-from my humble point of view- the practice of our discipline. In no way be understood, because it is not my intention, the parallelism that I propose is something indisputable, rather it is taken simply as a work pattern or example application subject to other possible interpretations, or conclusions that each aikidoka in his personal reflection is able to identify.

1-The water surface subjected exclusively to the action of gravity, It is flat and horizontal, smooth and reflective as a mirror. It is quiet and calm.

1-Mizu-no-kokoro. The spirit must always remain calm as the surface of a calm lake. The calm attitude to be adopted against the adversary, to receive all your messages and act at the right time. When the mind is preoccupied by fear, rencor, cólera, etc. No external stimuli captures well and reacts abnormally, below their actual possibilities.

Carina calm sea R.L..

2-Water always flows from the highest point to the lowest point, It flows constantly respecting the law of gravity. You can not go up if it is not driven by an alien force.

2-Non-resistance. Opposing a superior force is unnatural and therefore failure is certain. Actuar “favor and…” that strength is what teaches us the water that should be. Never frontally oppose the adversary, rather, take advantage of his energy and his action.

3-Water immediately adapts to all hollow, or form chink, covers, surrounds, and gradually jacked up cover and transcend.

3-constant and immediate Adaptability, without first asking, without protest, without conditions, able to adapt to any movement of the other, without cross him, constantly discover how to neutralize, whatever their reactions. It is not easy to get the body and mind act in unison with the fluidity of water, but it is an aspect that should put more emphasis on the practice of Aikido.

4-When an obstruction does not stop or go back, can wait, while it is growing their wealth and their ability to surround him, find points immediately accessible (the lowest points) for which he is addressing, dodging and surpassing the obstacle to overcome past him. Constantly looking for another way out that allows you to follow its course to balance and rest.

4-When we perform a technique and the other resists or dodges you not have to keep insisting to finish it by force, but understand that it is immediately necessary and necessary “seek without delay the other sitio.La resistance or dodges the other implies this message: “here you can not, but it has created a new opportunity if you do not stop and you know discover the new address”.

5-When two streams converged or are in opposite directions, once the lower flow adapts and allowed to absorb joining the largest, to continue together with more power and speed in the same direction, from the time of the meeting.

5-Knowing yield to join (integrate) to the action of other, in the same direction and thus become master of the resultant force to direct it at our convenience from the moment of the meeting.

6-Even at rest all, water is always ready to act. Suffice any reason to alter its equilibrium conditions and immediately escape at that point. The action of the water is constant and permanent. He is never asleep.

6-It shows the attitude to adopt in practice, and in ordinary life, action potential within calm, overcoming barriers of inertia or sorpresa.La vigilance must be constant and natural, and immediate availability.

7-the gutting, or spend the vessel containing a body of water at a lower duct, He is describing a movement spiral, which facilitates its output quickly and steady.

7-It is difficult and costly act directly on body mass opponent, but if we approach the action weakest point, as the hand or arm, undergoing a spiral motion (torsion) which progressively affects the joints until the trunk, get “empty” (to project) his body for the easy way.

8-The drop of water falling intermittently and constantly on rock tougher, just do track and to space.

8-Repeat, repetir, repeat again and again the same techniques, the same gestures, the same attitudes, no matter our current weakness or ineptitude. Whoever is able to persevere as gout, will achieve mastery of the principles and techniques of Aikido.

9-Water surface wind-driven waves causes a movement and moves in wave path.

9-The wave path in either horizontal or vertical plane, allow unbalancing and lead to the opponent with much more ease, less energy, and less likely to resist or guess where he leads.

10-Water is incompressible (You can not compress) and transmits in all directions any pressure exerted on it.The water is quickly away if we press, providing a vacuum.

10-Offer empty all actions of the opponent, not maintain body mass or in place, or when another has chosen to attack. Escaping where not hold and return their weaknesses with all the power created by the moving body.

“In combat you must be the water that has the fluidity and the opponent is the rock”.
Morihei Ueshiba.

All natural phenomena are subject to the same universal principles, like the man and his actions and relationships. It is not surprising that the greatest creators of the arts of Budo, They insist that their techniques have been discovered and established observing the perfect harmony of cause and effect contained in these laws, and to recommend us who we have come after, with the aim to follow his path (DO) we make the effort “observar, reflect and relate…”.

José Santos Nalda

Fuente: Aikido Rosario

I was fortunate to attend
A few years ago an interesting seminar Teror Nalda on Sensei take care of your uke.
And this article seems as interesting as to spread it,
so I translated into German for my blog Aikido trainieren Wir
and English for Aikido Academy USA
