La elección del profesor

He terminado de practicar(aqui video) Aikido con cerca de 2000 personas en Europa Occidental por un período de 4 semanas. La gente se reunía entusiasmada en cada sesión de entrenamiento y podíamos hacer cada práctica muy agradable y significativa. El número de participantes en estos seminarios se ha incrementado cada año. Cuando veo la buena atmósfera de éstas prácticas, creo que la mayoría de los participantes comparten mis sensaciones. Sobre todo me quedé muy impresionado por las palabras que alguien me dijo frente a la puerta de su cuarto; que Endo Sensei era el Embajador de la Paz.
This time however I found a group of people who had never practiced with me. I really worked with difficulty between us and half hours were to lead to the relaxed atmosphere I try to create in all my practices, but my efforts were in vain. I do not think just my way to practice was not good for them. I found still firmly what they had learned from their own teachers. the more tos time had practiced aikido, harder and seemed slow, and his practice became merely routine; practice name only. I asked for a more flexible own practice and development, however, in response to this they were all but lost.
In Japan we have the adagio”sparrows never forget their dance, hundred years old”. I understand this proverb in this way: what we learn for the first time get to easily set within our body, and it is a huge influence that can not easily forget. There is also another expression.”Spend at least three years looking for her teacher”. I heard this came from Zen Buddhism. Of an ascetic monk practitioner of Zen Buddhism called A-Sui(itinerant Buddhist monk). It was based on the word “The stir-ryuusui”, and it comes from the story of a Zen monk who visited several temples, as thirsty clouds and flowing water, and it took time to find a mentor who could really guide their ascetic practice. This kind of idea has now forgotten. When people begin to learn something now,
He tends to find the nearest teacher to them. They begin to learn without thinking what kind of teacher is.
Many Japanese aikidokas practice Aikido dojo or only in their practice site. Rarely have the opportunity to go elsewhere or learn from other teachers. In contrast the foreign aikidokas you attend seminars of Aikido near and far, to see different teachers. The first, they have a lot of information available to them, they think “I understand this”, and never consider things more deeply. The last know a large number of surface and satisfied with techniques that. There are problems in traditional ways of thinking and other forms, como siempre, both need to be reconsidered. Esto es, when we first started to practice, we strongly try to find a good teacher. And for people who have already begun, You must learn from many teachers as you possibly can, and try practicing as many people as you can. And for those who have been practicing aikidokas over fifteen years, please try to find a good teacher based on his experience and judgment. Teachers do not necessarily tell us all from A to Z. However, the actual practice starts when you select your teacher vd. same, and start seriously thinking about every move of his teacher, and each explanation even if it's just a word.
Endo Seishiro, Aikido Saku Dojo-cho(November 1999)
Traducción al inglés, Anita Reiko
Traducción al español, Daniel Diaz
