Like a finger pointing to the moon,es:

Verdad. People point to the truth. Negative people always points to the truth. I see many people trapped in aikido “politics” pointing to the truth.

Realmente? Do they know the truth?

Only point to facts. Not the truth. Then, What it is a fact? A perceived reality. Eso es todo. There are many, innumerable facts. Facts can “steal your soul”. Facts can “steal your heart”.

Facts can “rip”.

So many people point to the facts … on behalf of 'help’ and they are saying they are pointing to the truth and accusing the "other’ cheating. However, They deceive themselves.

Like a finger pointing to no moon.

His own no moon.

“Come with me to the realm of no moon” gritan.

As the teacher said the grasshopper: “You are stupid? Realmente eres tonto?

Paz G.
Graham Christian
Traducción Carina

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