Category aikido



Saltamontes: “Maestro, ¿cuánto tiempo tengo que seguir buscando para alcanzar la iluminación?”

Maestro: “Nunca busqué la iluminación, así que no lo sé!”

Saltamontes:. “Nunca lo pensé de esa manera. Asíque Maestro, ¿qué es lo que debería estar buscando? ”

Maestro: “Lo que has perdido, course!”

Saltamontes: “¿Entonces, qué es lo que he perdido ¿Qué es lo que buscamos?”

Maestro: “Buscamos lo que sabemos!”


Graham Christian
Traducción Carina

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The history of Zen

A little history on the Ki.
Once Upon a Time, which had harmony. Then came a lot of problems. During this time, asked what to zero in on the cause of all this lack of harmony.

So a zero day saw a number of one crying and asked which way the problem. The number one explained who were deprimido and feel small and that the number is always two ponies to the ground and showed him that it would be always greater that the shape of the universe to one and group.

In a subsequent inspection found that zero had the same problem all the other issues, feel it is always less than the number “more”. Mmmmmm, zero but never had a problem. Zero felt good for everything ...

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Aiki Chakras

When hearts from flowers,
open to the eight powers,
Divine and timeless,
Signs followed but now no signs.


No Big Bang, Original but great stillness,
From where it all began, without dieting,
However filling an infinitely,
Universal Union, universal fun.

Through detachment we enter the formless,
We went into the calm sea and the sky, you are no storms,
Aiki We entered and walked into the light,
So are the forms created, and all the beautiful places.


Graham Christian
Traducción Carina

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Goodness accepts and does not control,
The work of the center, that's like a wheel,
No fight, violence and thus no glory,
Nothing harmful, not destruction, anything bloody.

Non-resistance, no insistence,
Here and now has an infinite distance,
You can hear this, but you are close to this,
Competition is not clear and fearless.


Such is the jewel, sitting calm,
Pressing, creating, without harness,
The center of the cross of aiki, afloat, free,
The spark of joy living in you and me.

Under no ceiling, without walls, either inside or outside,
Tranquility known, screaming silence and tranquility greets,
The power of the amount consumed by the quality, attachment is gone,
However, the truth leaves everything connected to this song Aikido.

Graham Christian
Traducción Carina

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The alternation Uke / Tori

The gesture, aiki technique is lived and experienced from both sides. The practitioner is, on experience, both Uke and Tori. It embodies the two figures on both sides of the coin, relief and the gap, balance and imbalance, Station "standing" and fall, driving and driven. Uke and Tori are the same. True, not really at the same time, but the man is an animal and memory footprint Uke Tori is still fresh when it projects to Uke, already being viewed as Tori ...


This alternation agreed – which is precisely the fact of practice and not what it supposedly simulates – es sin duda nuestra mejor herramienta para ayudarnos a avanzar por el camino de la unificación definida por el “Ai”...

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Aikido will do you good

Aikido is a martial art.
Non-violent and ambitious, advocated persuasion and “education” the aggressor and not their destruction.

But mostly, more than anything else, known not to be mistaken for enemy and virtual attacks fear should not detract in any real aggression suffer.

Because on second thought, if the “pimp” corner threatens us, spectrum is much more like, image of fear of others, that as being of flesh and bone on which, scratch as a little varnish, you are asking falling, immediately would recognize a fellow.

But even if the threat is a spectrum, the fear is real, and with it, the daily stress, banal anxiety, el acartonamiento y el encierro en si mismo físico y moral de la persona...

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I have no faith because faith is me,
I polish my own divinity daily,
no top or superior,
because the divinity in me is divinity in you.

Graham Christian
Traducción Carina

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Aikido, El espíritu Samurai

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Land of the rising sun.

When I see spiritually land of the rising sun,
The land of kotodama, where everything comes from one;
Where Anjin San was visiting and began a new path,
Where blossomed lotus flower, where did the Aikido.

Where the cherry blossoms grow, after the petals fall,
The kami kamikazi, I can call here,
I see the peak of snowy Fuji, but underneath nothing at all,
A land of history and mystery as the soul of all of us.


And when the sun meets the sky and the moon meets the sea,
A divine calm down and spreads through humanity,
I see O'Sensei smiling, raising a toast, a glass of fine sake,
I smile and I drink a good cup of hot tea.

Graham Christian
Traducción Carina

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Si sigues el camino de la paz,
La vista de los enemigos se desvanecen y cesan,
La vida se convierte en el propio camino, libre de creencias,
Tu te conviertes en verdadero budo, te liberas de un capullo.


camino de la paz de Carina

Cuáles fueron esos pensamientos tontos de lucha y oposición?
Cuáles fueron esos tontos deseos de poder y posición?
Los Kami danzan de alegría, la naturaleza de buda se expresa,
Cuando la religión desaparece, queda la divinidad y santidad.
Graham Christian
Traducción Carina

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